Forest-Warren Mental Wellness Association (FWMWA) is a consumer-run, mental healthcare organization that provides support services to individuals and families. FWMWA is a program of Beacon Light Behavioral Health System (an affiliate of Journey Health System). Behavioral health services offered, include:

Fairweather lodge
The Fairweather Lodge Program helps people reintegrate themselves into the community by providing emotional support, a place to live, and employment for its members.

Wellspring Home & Garden
Services include a lawn care business and commercial cleaning which give job opportunities to Fairweather Lodge and community members. The program promotes skill building and community integration. Free estimates are available in the Warren County area by calling 814-406-9255.
community-based care management
This program seeks to support and empower individuals in self-determination, increase access to resources in their communities in lieu of moving through a system that could increases the level of care without diversion. Individuals must be enrolled in Community Care Behavioral Health and work with resources to support their mental health needs.
representative payee
For individuals needing assistance to manage their Social Security payments, this program offers financial management assistance. Services are provided to individuals at their request, when a suitable family member or friend is not available to assist the consumer, and after the Social Security Administration deems an individual unable to manage their own funds.